
About Us

This isOurStory

Founded in 2023 by Herbert Schwarzenbrunner and Maziyar Mokhtari, our company was born out of a mutual desire to address the growing shortage of skilled workers in Austria. With over a decade of collaborative experience in industrial fields, Maziyar and Herbert recognized the critical need for a specialized recruitment service that could bring in highly qualified professionals from outside the EU.


Herbert Schwarzenbrunner

CEO, CO founder

Maziyar Mokhtari

Executive Manager, CO founder

A Dynamic Partnership

Herbert and Maziyar have worked together for nearly ten years, developing a deep understanding of the industry’s needs and the challenges faced by Austrian companies. Their combined expertise and shared vision led to the creation of a business that could make a significant impact on the Austrian job market.

Our Mission

To alleviate the skilled worker shortage in Austria by sourcing and providing top-tier professionals in the IT, engineering, and medical sectors.

Our Vision

To become the leading provider of international talent to Austrian companies, known for our rigorous selection process, innovative matching techniques, and comprehensive support services.