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Our Services

Comprehensive Talent Acquisition and Support

We offer a full suite of services designed to ensure that Austrian companies can find and retain the best talent available. Our approach is multifaceted, combining advanced technology with personalized service to meet the unique needs of each client.

Active and Passive Recruitment

  • Active Recruitment: Our dedicated team actively searches for top talent through job boards, social media, and industry networks.
  • Passive Recruitment: Utilizing our extensive database and industry connections, we identify potential candidates who are not actively seeking new opportunities but may be the perfect fit for your organization.
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Qualification Verification

  • Rigorous Vetting: Each candidate undergoes a thorough vetting process, including background checks, qualification verification, and reference checks.
  • Specialist Head Hunters: Our team of headhunters are experts in their fields, ensuring they can identify the best candidates for your specific needs.

Matching Index Algorithms and Personality Tests

  • Advanced Matching: Our proprietary algorithms analyze candidates’ skills, experience, and personality traits to match them with the right job opportunities.
  • Personality Assessments: We conduct comprehensive personality tests to ensure a good cultural fit between candidates and employers.
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Full Support with Formalities

  • Visa and Work Permit Assistance: We manage all paperwork and formalities required for obtaining work permits, ensuring a smooth transition for the candidates.
  • Relocation Support: From finding housing to settling into the community, we provide extensive support to help candidates adjust to their new environment.
  • Ongoing Assistance: Our support doesn’t end once the candidate starts their job. We offer ongoing assistance to ensure long-term success for both the employee and the employer.